I will bless the Lord at all times, his praise shall continually be in my mouth.  My soul shall make it's boast in the Lord.  The humble shall hear thereof and be glad.   O magnify the LORD with me and let us exalt his name together.  Psalm 34:1-3

David wrote this Psalm after a very frightening experience.   He had been running from King Saul.  He thought it would be a good idea to hide in the Philistine city of Gath.  Gath is the city where Goliath was from.   David was recognized!   He was arrested and brought to the king of Gath. 

 I can imagine the fear and anxiety David was going through.  Saul hated him because of the popularity David had for killing the champion of Gath.  Saul kept trying to have David killed by having sending into battle against these guys.  David always came back victorious having beaten these guys up and this made Saul despise him.  Now David was a prisoner of the guys he had been beating up on.  

Here David was on trial with the enemy.  All David could do was act absolutely crazy in front of them.   Miraculously the king must have had a memory lapse.  He didn't pass a judgement of execution on David.   He didn't think this was his worst night mare now standing before him waiting to get the death sentence.  He didn't think that this man was the reason his troupes were constantly defeated.  All he could say was, "Get this crazy guy out of my court!"  David was a free man!  

No wonder David wanted to worship God!  No wonder he was overwhelmed with the miraculous delivering power of his Shepherd!  Now he's writing his song saying, "somebody come on and magnify the LORD with me, let's exalt His name together!"   

I can relate to these feelings of joy to my God.  How many times He has provided with miracles.   So many great healings I could testify to!   A few days ago I came out of the Doctor's office after a physical.  I had been monitoring some medical problems that had developed in my body.   I have been doing everything right as far as eating healthy and exercising but there was no way I should have heard the results the doctor gave me.  Perfect health!   I walked out of the clinic overwhelmed with the goodness of God the same way that David of the Bible must have walked out of the Philistine courtroom.  

I had another healing recently.   I had found a growth under my arm.  My first thought was panic.  I need to get to a doctor.  I need to let my family know.  The Lord quickened a thought to me to not be afraid and to rebuke it in Jesus' name.   If I would tell my family, they would only feed my fear.  They love me.  So with faith and confidence in God who just spoke to me I rebuked the thing and within minutes it became soft.   Two weeks later it is completely gone.   

I'm not saying we should never go to the doctor.   Doctors are important and they do the work of God.  I really believe that.  I'm saying in this instance there was no need to because the physical evidence of healing was there.   Jesus told people who he healed to go to the priest for an exam.  We need doctors, but I think sometimes we forget that God still heals.   It is His will to heal as much as it is His will to save.   

When God does something for you, testify.    Find someone to rejoice with you.  Build up the faith of others by letting them know the goodness of God in your life.

O taste and see that the LORD is good, blessed is the man that trusts in him.
Psalm 34:8

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